Our Friends
Looking for a registered dietitian? We highly recommend Jill Middlemiss for nutrition coaching, pediatric nutrition, Diabetes coaching and much more.
Did you know there are excellent, knowledgeable pilates instructors right down the street from Honey + Garlic? Check them out at Union Pilates
If our kinesiologist is too busy, you could try Personal Training with Tatiana (this is who I've been seeing for years and she's wonderful)
For gentle, accessible, and chronic-illness friendly yoga: Katie Blecker Yoga
In the mood for a facial massage? Who isn't? I suggest my friend Carrie at The Studio (This could work well alternating with our acupuncturist's facial acupuncture, just a thought!)
Wondering who designed our beautiful new website? It was Stephen from Flex Marketing
For all your photography needs, we highly recommend Kim at Kim Kosta Creative
Last but not least, if you are in need of marketing, look no further than BrandCamp!