Jessica Farrow
Owner + Registered Massage Therapist
I am the proud owner and creator of Honey + Garlic Health Studio, and I am a registered massage therapist. I became an RMT in Vancouver in March of 2009. Before that I lived in Montreal for a time and finished a bachelors in Art History, which obviously led to a career in health care! I chose massage because of my interest in anatomy and the workings of the body, and because of my fascination with the connection between the body and emotion. Also, I like to figure things out and solve puzzles. I quickly realized I prefer my puzzles to have concrete answers, which is often not the case with massage. But I learned to let that go and just concentrate on what my hands are telling me. I love the immediacy of massage, the directness. There are not too many professions out there where you get to have such a direct and hopefully positive impact. I was also drawn to the one-on-one aspect of massage and what I like to call the “bartender” affect; getting to hear all those wonderful and sad and wild tales. But the longer I am in this profession the more I find I simply enjoy getting to be a support for another individual; whether it’s to lend an ear, be a source of information, or just to be a pair of hands working out the knots.
I utilize a variety of massage modalities, from deep tissue massage, fascial work, and trigger point therapy, to joint mobilizations. Like most RMTs I have treated a wide range of conditions but I must say I feel I have a greater affinity for the classics: headaches, neck and shoulder pain and good old lower back pain.
I grew up on the island, in Victoria. I still consider myself a horse back rider, though I’m currently not riding, but I am an animal lover and if you want to hear random facts about orangutans, wolves, horses, etc. I’ve got ya covered. I love movies and design and books and reading in cafes. I wish I was more of an outdoorswoman but can’t quite seem to make that a reality. I have some really fantastic friends who have helped me through this whole clinic process, and I am fortunate to have about the most supportive family you could ever imagine. I was also blessed with the most handsome of cats (you can find his image on my left forearm), but sadly we had to say goodbye after almost 18 years together. So now I have the most goofball of dogs, Igby (you can find his image here and all over our Instagram).